
Ok, so we did state categorically that, much as we missed Reber and Rella, we would not have another dog.
We maintained that stance for more than a year, until Wednesday 6 April 2016.
It was only a casual call to Daneline and they were very cautious and noncommittal until we mentioned getting Rella from the RSPCA.

Daneline contacted the RSPCA and on the Thursday telephoned back and declared us “fast tracked”. Oh, they said, by the way we have a 9 month old fawn and you can collect her Saturday!

She Checked out the sleeping arrangements:

Surveyed the outdoor facilities:

and then Indicated approval by flapping her wings

Lissie at Daneline said “If you know what I mean, she is a happy dog“. We know what she meant. Reba (did we mention we changed her name from dolly?) is calm and patient. She greets everyone and everydog with glee. She sits quietly in the back of the car and doesn’t insist on driving (unlike Rella!).

We have discouraged jumping up by not showing her this picture of John and Rella in August 2013.

John Rella 4Aug13 P1010083

Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own garden, or whether that station will be held by great danes, these pages must show.